How to Stay Warm while Working from Home

Working from home can be challenging, especially during the winter months when you’re cooped up in your house all day long. Those who work from home struggle with isolation, cabin fever and general loneliness during the season. The trick is to find ways to stay happy, productive and warm in your own home without going crazy.

Here are some tips on how to stay warm in winter while working from home. Working from home can be challenging if you struggle with isolation, cabin fever and general loneliness during the season. The trick is to find ways to stay happy, productive and warm in your own home without going crazy. Here are some tips on how to stay warm in winter while working from home.

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Plan your work week on Sunday

One of the best ways to stay warm in winter while working from home is to plan your work week on Sunday. This will help you keep sane and productive during the winter months. You don’t have to plan your entire week, just the tasks you want to accomplish and the hours you’ll work. Planning can help you avoid procrastination and isolation. Plus, it will give you something to look forward to when the weather outside is frightful.

Hang out with pets (or people)

Working from home can be a lonely experience, especially during the winter. One way to fight cabin fever is to get out and interact with other people or animals. You’ll get to take care of something, and they’ll provide you with some much-needed company. If there are no local pet stores with cats and dogs to cuddle, reach out to your social network.

Ask your friends if they’d be willing to video call with you while you work. If you have a disability that makes it hard to socialize, you may be able to get a service animal. This can be a great way to get out, interact with others and stay warm in winter.

Exercise immediately upon waking

Another way to stay warm in winter while working from home is to do an exercise routine immediately upon waking up. This can be anything from brisk walking to weight lifting or stretching, as long as it gets your blood flowing and warms your body up a little. Doing something active as soon as you get out of bed will help boost your mood and keep you warm. Plus, it will give you a boost of energy that will help you get through your work day.

Use space heaters and warm lighting

Another way to stay warm in winter while working from home is to warm your environment. Turn up the temperature on your thermostat, and use space heaters in rooms that you spend a lot of time in (like your office). You may want to invest in an electric blanket as well; they come in handy during the winter when the weather is cold and you want to stay warm.

Another way to warm up your home is to use warm lighting. Fluorescent and LED lights tend to be cool and blue, while incandescent and halogen lights are warm-toned. Research shows that warm lights will help you feel more comfortable and be warmer overall.

Stay away from the windows

Another way to stay warm in winter while working from home is to stay away from the windows. If you have to look out at a cold, snowy landscape, you’re likely to feel even colder. Instead, try to close the blinds or change your view to something warm, like a fireplace or a plant. This will help you stay warm and avoid feeling blue.

Bring food to work

Finally, another way to stay warm in winter while working from home is to bring food to work. You don’t want to be tempted to go out to eat every time you get hungry, especially during the winter when restaurants are packed. Bringing your own food to work will help you save money and stay warm.

There are plenty of warm and easy recipes out there that are perfect for bringing to work. Plus, you can make enough to last you more than one day, so you don’t have to worry about bringing food to work every day.

To Summarize

There are plenty of ways to stay warm in winter while working from home. It’s not impossible, but you do have to take a few extra steps. Plan your work week on Sunday, hang out with pets or people, exercise immediately upon waking, warm up your environment, stay away from the windows and bring food to work. If you follow these tips, you should be able to survive this winter while working from home. You can still experience cabin fever and loneliness, but there are ways to overcome it.


Jeff Stewart

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