Transitioning From Mid-Career Crises to Successful Entrepreneurship

Millennials have been hailed as a generation of young people with boundless optimism who are ready to take the world by storm. However, as we celebrate these eager young professionals who want to change the world and build new careers, we are also learning about Millennials struggling to find jobs. In fact, a recent article in The Atlantic titled “Millennials Don’t Stand a Chance” noted that unemployment among Millennials has skyrocketed with twice as many unemployed college graduates than job openings. After all we all need jobs to pay our bills.

It is no surprise that this reality has led many commentators to wonder what has gone wrong with their future leaders. To address this issue from another perspective, let’s look at another angle: Is it really such a tragedy that Millennials aren’t finding job opportunities? Perhaps instead of seeing it as a crisis, should we consider this transition as an opportunity for Millennials to pivot into entrepreneurship? With the right support and guidance, transitioning from mid-career crises to successful entrepreneurship can be liberating and rewarding for young professionals. Let’s explore how…

Midcareer crises and entrepreneurship

Midcareer crises is a time when people who have been working in a certain field for a few years begin to question whether they have made the right choice in their career. While many people have midcareer crises, most will continue on with their job and adjust their expectations to match the kind of work they do.

Entrepreneurship is the act of building a business from scratch. Entrepreneurs are visionaries who want to solve problems in new ways and create something new from nothing. Entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but it is often a great opportunity for people who have been working in one field for 10 or 15 years and are ready for a new challenge.

Finding the right fit

If you’ve gone to school and have had a successful career, it’s easy to assume that you will continue to have the same success in a variety of fields. However, when you look around the workplace and realize that you don’t fit, it’s important to remember that that’s okay! Try not to be hard on yourself if you’re finding it difficult to fit into a new career.

Just remember that there is no one-size-fits-all career. You can be successful in any career field that is a good fit for you. If you find yourself lacking in motivation and struggling to keep up with the demands of your day-to-day work, it may be a sign that your career is not a good fit for you. Keep in mind that you can change careers at any point in your life. You don’t need to wait until the end of your career to try something new.

Finding your passion

A fulfilling career is one that you are passionate about. If you are struggling to find your passion, one strategy is to get creative and try new things. It might be tempting to sit down and meditate until you find your passion, but unfortunately, that isn’t how it works. Instead, get out there and try new things. Attend conferences and networking events, visit your local museum, and try taking up a hobby.

The more you expose yourself to new and exciting things, the more likely you are to find a passion that you love. One way to discover your passion is to focus on the things you find yourself naturally drawn to. For example, if you love reading about psychology and therapy, this might indicate that you are interested in the fields of psychology or counselling. You might also enjoy listening to podcasts about marketing or sales. These might indicate that you are interested in marketing or sales.

Finding the right support

Transitioning from mid-career crises to successful entrepreneurship is challenging. It’s important to seek out the right support along the way. If you are working a full-time job and trying to build a business on the side, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. This is a good time to look inwards and ask yourself what you need in order to be successful. Do you need more time? Do you need more money? Are there other skills that you need to learn?

Once you’ve identified your needs, start looking for support. It might be helpful to join a mastermind group or talk to other entrepreneurs about the challenges that they have faced and how they’ve overcome them. You might also want to consider joining a group like Entrepreneurs Anonymous. This group provides a safe space for people who are struggling with entrepreneurship and want to discuss their challenges with others who are going through the same thing.


Midcareer crises and entrepreneurship often go hand in hand. These are both exciting times in your life when it’s time to take a risk, try something new, and make a change. Transitioning from mid-career crises to successful entrepreneurship can be challenging, but it is worth it. In order to make this transition as smoothly as possible, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to do, a support network, and the courage to take risks. What’s more, you need to be ready to fail. After all, if you never fail, you’re probably not taking enough risks!


Jeff Stewart

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